Holiday Travel Safety Tips

By on November 29th, 2017

Holiday Travel Safety Tips

When you head out on vacation, you want to be able to have a fun, relaxing time, and that means not worrying about having safe holiday travels. These holiday season travel safety tips can bring you peace of mind and reduce your risk of burglary and injury:

  • Prepare your home before you go. One of the best holiday home safety tips we can give to reduce the risk of break-ins is to make your home less of a target. If you have an alarm or security system, test it before you go to make sure it is working. Trim back bushes in front of your yard and mow the lawn. Stop mail collection and deliveries so your home looks lived-in. Set up timers on your lights so it looks like someone is home. Or, have a friend or home sitter stay at your house or visit from time to time to prevent break-ins.
  • Avoid announcing you will be away. Don’t announce on social media you’re looking forward to your vacation, and avoid posting photos until you get back. Doing so announces you’re not home and that your house is empty.
  • Get your car checked before you leave. If you’re going on a road trip, preparing to travel over the holidays means preparing your car. Get your car’s tires checked and your fluids topped off to make sure there are no surprises once you’re on your way. Check to see whether you have roadside assistance through any program. If you don’t, consider signing up for a service. If your car breaks down or you’re stuck on the side of the road, it can be reassuring to know help is only a phone call away.
  • Secure your valuables. Avoid traveling with large amounts of cash or expensive personal items, as they can be easily stolen. When you’re away, the safest place for these is in a safety deposit box or a safe. Avoid leaving lots of valuables around your home, too. When you travel, use a credit card or traveler’s checks rather than cash.
  • Check your insurance. Make sure your home insurance is up-to-date before you travel, and invest in travel insurance. Insurance protects you in case anything goes wrong on your vacation or back at home.
  • Keep a list of emergency information on you when you travel. As you pack, pack a list of emergency numbers, including the number for your bank, insurance companies, credit card companies, friends, family and local emergency teams or consulates. If you find yourself affected by theft or another emergency, you want to be able to call for help. If you have a serious medical condition or allergies, consider wearing an emergency alert bracelet in case you become ill on your trip.
  • Pack an emergency kit. If you’re traveling by car, bring along flares and a basic roadside repair kit. If you’re traveling by plane or boat, pack a first aid kit and any personal items you may need in case of delays on injuries.
  • Plan carefully. Research your destination before you go so you understand the hazards. Avoid going to locations with travel advisories and be aware of less-safe areas at your destination. Plan to travel with friends or family — there is safety in groups. If you’ll be taking part in tours or tourist activities, research tour operators and their safety records to ensure you’ll be working only with reputable companies.
  • Have a friend or family member at home as an emergency contact. Make plans to check in with this person at specific times, so they’ll be alerted if something goes wrong and you can’t check in. Make sure this person has copies of important travel documents and your travel itinerary. If you’re affected by theft or another emergency, having someone at home who can help will make things much easier.
  • Give yourself lots of time and relax. Trying to do too much on vacation is stressful, and being distracted and busy all the time can increase your risk of injury. Give yourself plenty of time to travel and take plenty of rest stops. Get proper rest and stay hydrated and well-fed. You’ll be more able to handle any issues if you’re in good physical and mental shape during your vacation.

What Happens If There Is an Emergency? 

Even if you follow all holiday personal safety tips, an injury or emergency can still happen. If this occurs, stay calm and focus on being safe and getting medical attention first.