Family Seeks Answers After Loss of 5 Children in Tragic Fire

By on June 11th, 2014

Do you ever consider that the locations you visit each day in Pennsylvania might not be safe? Whether you are out shopping, going to the movies or even at home in your apartment, you and your family could be at risk if the property has not been adequately maintained. Inadequate safety standards or other dangerous conditions can result in serious or even fatal accidents.

It is an unpleasant thing to think about, but any location can be hazardous if not properly maintained. Slippery or uneven surfaces, poor lighting, bad wiring or any number of other factors can contribute to the dangers. So when accidents happen, it is not unusual for families to seek answers and demand an investigation into whether the building’s owner was at fault. Such is the case in Minnesota, where a family is preparing to sue after a fatal fire claimed five children.

What Caused The Fire?

According to the State Fire Marshal Division, investigators could not identify the cause of the blaze, which began on the second floor of a Minneapolis duplex February 14. The owner of the property could soon be facing a wrongful death lawsuit, particularly if the building’s fire safety standards are found to have been inadequate. However, the investigation is ongoing.

What Does This Mean For You?

Whatever the outcome of the lawsuit, this tragic incident has permanently altered this family’s world. It happened in another state, but families in Pennsylvania could all too easily find themselves in the same situation. Irresponsible property owners must be confronted, and their properties made safe. An attorney may be able to help you with this, as well as aiding you in pursuing compensation if you have been injured on dangerous premises.

Source: KEYC News, “Lawsuit Coming for Fatal Minneapolis Valentine’s Day Fire,” Mitch Keegan, June 5, 2014